Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tarek's baby chicks

Shayla has been begging me to put one of her kittens' on the blog so here is her beautiful picture. This is just one of 5 of Princess' kittens. We tried to give two away to our neighbors but Princess went and took her kitten back.

Shayla took this picture too. These are Tarek's baby chicks that he ordered. He is determined to turn our house into a farm and I guess that would make me Old McDonald. He's bringing a dog here soon.


Susie Stout said...

what dog? LaRae has a cute doggie for you, no really really cute!

LaRae said...

Tyson laughed about his toe being sucked on and thought it was funny. Good luck with your newly found farm. Who does the chores?

Matt Zimmerman said...

EIEIO! I love to hear stories about "Princess." She is the most beloved cat! (by Shayla anyways.) Tonight at the volleyball game we were sitting by Logan, Shayla, and your mom. Logan got all excited and said, "I have a great idea! Mesa can ride the BUS to my HOUSE!" It was cute. They have quite the friendship going on. Remembering how long their bus ride was, I replied with, "Well, maybe we can just come and visit you sometime." HA.

Kelsey (using Matt's blog account!)